Beginner Bible Bowl
Leader Guide
The goal of the Leader’s Guide is to make it easy and fun for YOU, the director of your Beginner Bible Bowl program, to help kids learn God’s Word– even if you’ve never done Beginner Bible Bowl before! The Leader’s Guide is written so that each session is completely laid out for you, down to the Scripture verses you will review with the players, the relay games you will play, and even the number of Beginner Bible Bowl Bucks (or “BBB Bucks”) the players can earn for every activity!
Beginner Bible Bowl sessions work well when the Director and all volunteer “Leaders” know the goals for each evening and stick to the session schedule to achieve these goals effectively while making it fun and engaging for the players. Volunteer Leaders can be parents, teens looking to earn service hours, or anyone desiring to teach the Bible to a younger generation.
The Leaders Guide book comes with specific instructions for each session, PLUS a special set of flashcards which are used in the system.
Beginner Bible Bowl Made Easy Workshop
The workshop materials below give leaders a step-by-step presentation of how to run a Beginner Bible Bowl practice. Follow along as Mr. Bruce walks leaders through introducing the text, drilling material with students, and playing games! The video shows Mr. Bruce directing leaders and players in a mock practice. The powerpoint presentation goes into detail on how to use the BBB Leader’s Guide.

BBB Leader Guide
Relay Game Demonstrations
There are 20 videos grouped into the YouTube playlist found in the link below. Each video depicts a demonstration of games found in the BBB leader guide.

BBB Made Easy
Additional Resources
The Coach’s BBB Worksheet for Practice is an Excel spreadsheet that helps coaches track players’ points during practice. It tracks points earned during each unit of the Leader’s Guide, plus gives space for homework and memory verse points.
The BBB Bucks is a printable pdf of “bucks” (in increments of 1, 5, 10, 50, and 100) that can be handed to players at the end of each practice to be used to redeem prizes.