2024 Fall Block 1 Test Link is now live!

NOTE: Test must now be taken by Thursday before your league meet!!!

Test must be finished by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern) on the Thursday before your league meet.

Information about Testing

Testing provides registered players with an additional, optional way to demonstrate their knowledge of the text. Both beginner and teen players who are registered may choose to take an online test at the end of each block; teen players who compete at Nationals may choose to take a written test over the entire text.

Block Tests

At the end of each block, just before league competitions, a link for an online, closed-book test over the current block of material is made available to players and anyone else who chooses to take it. Tests must be finished in one sitting; players have 20 minutes to finish once they begin. The beginner test consists of 50 multiple choice questions. The teen test consists of 100 multiple choice questions which may have multiple correct answers. Registered players who wish to be recognized for achievement on the test must finish the test by 9 a.m. Eastern time on the Friday before their league meets. Scores received after this time will not be forwarded to your league coordinator.

A practice test over general Bible knowledge is available for anyone who wants to experience the format of the test before taking the actual test.

Nationals Test

Teen Bible Bowl players who compete at Nationals may participate in a 40 minute test made up of 200 questions. Players who earn a 90% or higher receive the Gold Award, which qualifies them for scholarships at participating universities.